Sunday, March 5, 2017

Am I mad? ("Mad" defined)

A quick search on Google yielded the following:
(Skip to the bottom if you don't want to read all the definitions ;-)
adjective: mad; comparative adjective: madder; superlative adjective: maddest

  1. 1.  informal
    very angry.

    "they were mad at each other"
    synonyms:  angry, furious, infuriated, irate, raging, enraged, fuming, incensed, seeing red, beside oneself; More
    antonyms: unruffled, calm
  2. 2.  BRITISH
    mentally ill; insane.

    "he felt as if he were going mad"
    synonyms: insane, mentally ill, certifiable, deranged, demented, of unsound mind, out of one's mind, not in one's right mind, sick in the head, crazed, lunatic, non compos mentis, unhinged, disturbed, raving, psychotic, psychopathic, mad as a hatter, mad as a March hare; More
    antonyms: sane
    1. * BRITISH
      (of a person, conduct, or an idea) extremely foolish or ill-advised.
      "they were all mad to go believing such a cock-and-bull story"
      synonyms: foolish, insane, stupid, lunatic, foolhardy, idiotic, senseless, absurd, impractical,
      silly, inane, asinine, wild, unwise, imprudent;  More
      antonyms: sensible
    2. * in a frenzied mental or physical state.
      "she pictured loved ones mad with anxiety about her"
    3. * (of a dog) rabid.
  3. 3. informal
    very enthusiastic about someone or something.

    "I wasn't mad about mountain bikes"
    synonyms:enthusiastic about, passionate about; More
    antonyms: indifferent
    • * BRITISH
      very exciting.
      synonyms: frenzied, frantic, frenetic, feverish, wild, hectic, manic
      "it was a mad dash to get ready"
Am I mad?  

Yep.  Youbetcha.  I am simply mad about my dogs!
See Definition 3.

I am Definition-1 mad about some things, too, and I'm sure that those issues will reveal themselves in future posts.

As for Definition 2...  well.... no comment ;-)
You can all figure that one out for yourselves in time.

I hope that you will enjoy seeing my photos and reading about my Mad-Mad-Mad world!

Mad Dog Woman (MDW)

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